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Writer's pictureDani Frank

5 Things About Imposter Syndrome I Wish I Knew Sooner

Do you have Imposter Syndrome?

You are not the only person to experience this distorted lens. It's a lot more common than you think. In a study published in 2019, researchers found up to 82% of 14,161 adults reported experiencing Imposter Syndrome.

If so many people have Imposter Syndrome, then why do we think we are the only ones? I think that answer dwells directly in the shame cycle Imposter Syndrome produces. Ironically, one of the most effective anecdotes for Imposter Syndrome is to talk about it. It thrives on hiding in secrecy.

Most discussions and research surrounding Imposter Syndrome focus on the phenomenon in adults. I've had Imposter Syndrome since I was a child. It is partially inherited and learned behavior and partially a consequence of growing up in an alcoholic home. My journey to taking control of my Imposter Syndrome has had its definite ups and downs but something changed over the last 12 months.

As I completed my 300 hr teacher training and entered an intimate yoga teacher mastermind, I finally began to figure out how to take back the power from my Imposter Syndrome. Every day I think about how to teach what I've learned about Imposter Syndrome, which has lead me to this weeks blog post.

Keep reading to discover the 5 Things About Imposter Syndrome I Wish I Knew Sooner.

1. Having anxiety and depression make you more likely to have Imposter Syndrome.

In the same analysis mentioned above, researchers discovered an undeniable coexisting relationship between Anxiety, Depression, and Imposter Syndrome. Sadly, in the Western medical world, there are no interventions for Imposter Syndrome. Imposter Syndrome is not even a recognized psychiatric disorder.

2. Perfectionism is not about making things right, it is a form of Imposter Syndrome.

A few weeks ago I was on the phone with one of my best friends about Imposter Syndrome. He said, "I don't have Imposter Syndrome. I'm just a perfectionist." I'm sure he heard my jaw drop from across the country. If a successful, college-educated American man doesn't know that Perfectionism is Imposter Syndrome, then I'm going to assume many more have no idea. There are five types of Imposter Syndrome and I dive into them all in my new free eBook.

"Have no fear of perfection - you will never reach it." – Salvador Dali

3. If your Imposter Syndrome is kicking in you could still be crushing it.

Have you ever been doing well at work or school and then BAM out of nowhere your Imposter Syndrome shows up? I heard someone once describe Imposter Syndrome as a “control valve that alerts us when we are in our discomfort zone”. Our 'discomfort zone' no matter how painful it may be is a magical place of accelerated growth.

4. It is absolutely impossible to make big dreams a reality without any help.

No one is self-made. We either mindfully seek out and accept support or ignorantly exploit it. We need help from other people for many reasons. Life is pretty lonely when you try to do it all yourself. Plus, inviting in differences and unique perspectives can be a lifesaver that offers solutions you could never think of on your own. As a solo entrepreneur who at one time managed an entire team, there are many instances when I miss the mundane collaboration of working with a group.

5. You will never know everything.

It is hard to think about the things I have not pursued because I thought I didn't know enough. I vividly recall the devastation I felt when I received my first B in school. I was so upset because I couldn't understand how I could possibly know everything to get all A's. Growing up it was ingrained in me that B's were bad. It wasn't until I became a yoga teacher that I could shift my mindset to find that the beauty of not knowing everything is that you never stop learning.

Get to know your Imposter Syndrome.

I created my new eBook Get to Know Your Imposter Syndrome as a healing tool to help you shed light on and take away the power of your Imposter Syndrome. Click here for your free copy to be delivered directly to your inbox. I'm also excited to announce that I am putting the finishing touches on the first Sole Journey Yoga challenge! Let's Get Real About Imposter Syndrome is coming soon. It's a free challenge that I promise will help you build your Imposter Syndrome toolkit. Remember, the more we learn and talk about Imposter Syndrome the less power it has.



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I'm Dani

I blend the transformative power of therapeutic yoga and career coaching to guide your toward holistic well-being and professional fulfillment. 

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